Saturday, September 25, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

So. you know those days when you feel as though your work is in vain, nothing has been known, and you wonder why am I doing this? Well, today I got my answer.
It was 2:00, 30 minutes before we dismiss for school. I was called to the office along with 2 other teachers. We sat down with our principals. At first, I was extremely worried. We were told to pack our things and go home. My first thought was that I was being fired. My heart just dropped; however, they then told us that they had been observing each wing since school started. We had shown something special, and so they were letting us go home early as a gift to us.
I do not need constant rewards for what I do. God placed me here, I will do my work, and I do love it. I do not expect to be given something whenever I do something good, because I believe that is what I am meant to do anyway. But, it sure warmed my heart to know that they recognized what I had been trying to do. And I pray I continue to do whatever it is they are seeing in me.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Well, today went well. And I mean that. My little "devil child" helped me out alot today. I am not sure if he is trying to kiss up or what. I really do not want to pre-judge him, but he got in trouble during band today for calling other kids faggots. Who knows? At least we switch classes. He asked if he could be my helper. I said yes, as long as he followed the rules like everyone else. I hope this works. My year is going to be so full of putting my foot down and thumb on several of these children, plus making sure I teach ALL my standards according to the pacing guides. I love teaching so much. It is the politics that makes me sick. Who cares if we match up to the nation? I want these kids to love learning, not feel like I am forcing it down their throats. Don't get me wrong, I think kids are way too sensitive these days. But, I am not teaching to reach a test number. I am teaching because I want to grow these children to be self sufficient and responsible adults with a strong knowledge base.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First Full Week

Next week officially starts the first week of school. I am so nervous. I have a challenging group of kids. Already, one has tried to get many others in trouble and has taken an ounce of control of the class. I got it back, but I know it will be a constant struggle. I am afraid I will not do these children justice. Then again, I remember, God put me here. There is a reason. I just pray my decisions are always what is best for these kids and that I have the strength to do that. I just do not understand why some parents allow their children to act in certain ways. I know children have minds of their own, but YOU are the parent. If you acted like it, my job would be so much easier.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Went to in-service today. Found out that our schedule for next year is changing dramatically. Instead of moving from class to class in homerooms, the students will be scattering. Each student will have a different schedule. We will also be adding two math classes. We were also told that we would find out BIG news in the next three days. Makes me wonder. I knew this year would be tough, but I guess I had no idea just how tough. I am going to use this week to work on the school things I need to and get some doctor and hair appointments in. Yikes.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mountains are Gonna Fall

Tomorrow begins the new school year. I have my first in-service. Summer is now over. I am excited to start the new school year; however, I am nervous. I think that no matter how many years I teach, I will always have those beginning of the year jitters. It is a new group of kids who do not know me or my style. Yet, it is another chance to improve what I do. I am watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and there is a teacher who has cancer. Her students talk about how much of an influence she has on them. I want to be like her. I want to have the drive she has and the influence she has. Here's to you, kids.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Starting a New Year and a New Journey

I am entering into my third year of teaching. I always write down my ideas and lessons learned from the students I encounter. I thought I would blog throughout one year to chart my progress and see what all I learn. I am one of those people that still believes in miracles, and that a teacher can reach the hearts of students. No matter the changing status of the world, I know God has His hand in this. It is still a few weeks before school officially starts; however, I have quite a bit of inservice coming up to learn how the TCAP scores will decided whether or not I am an effective teacher. I do not agree with that. But, again, God will place me where He wants me.